The easiest, unsurprisingly, were Pokemon Yellow and Super Mario RPG. Perhaps someday he will clean out the catalog, but until then he keeps a running list of the difficulty of each game he's beaten. It makes me want Peekingboo to take on a beast like Dragon Age Inquisition or Persona 5, to truly measure his endurance. Instead they're just more arduous, more annoying, and more existentially daunting. Obviously he tends to favor games that exponentially increase in difficulty when you throw in a monkey wrench, but I think my favorites are when he takes on Undertale or Pokemon-lengthy, story-heavy odysseys that don't necessarily get harder with the addition of a dancepad. More recently he's started to speedrun Super Mario Galaxy with his feet under a brand he calls "SpeedStomp," and he already has that beast down to a svelte five hours in the any-percent category. You can now count on Peekingboo to beat practically every new release with the dancepad, and that's already earned him 10,000 followers on the site. He's developed his own shorthand phraseology to express some of the more advanced nuances, like "heel-toeing," the art of holding down two buttons at once with one foot. "The thrill and excitement I felt while playing Mario 3 resonated with me, and motivated me to start a Twitch channel of my own so I could see what else I was capable of," he says.

Rhythm gamers are notoriously hard on themselves-there are still people out there beating old Guitar Hero tracks on 150 percent speed to ramp up the challenge-so perhaps it makes sense that one of their kin would take that to wildly incongruous levels. Peekingboo doesn't have a particularly salient explanation for his self-imposed controller asceticism, and instead expresses it to me as a more spiritual calling. 3 Things just sort of escalated from there." "We thought it would be funny to hook up a NES emulator and see if we could play Super Mario Bros.

"It started as a bit of a joke with my friend, we were both Dance Dance Revolution players, and had been for over seven years," says Peekingboo, from Perth, Western Australia, as he recalls the origin story of his vision quest.

Playing these kinds of games with a DDR pad stands as one of the most self-flagellatory pieces of performance art in the brief history of streaming-as ludicrous as it is uniquely committed. Celeste flings herself across the finish line, and Peekingboo is off to the next level, which will unfortunately take him nearly twice as long. After about 15 minutes Peekingboo finally gets it.

With one foot he guides Celeste's tightly wound dashes with the four neon arrows at his feet, and more often than not, she plunges to her death. The camera is placed off in the deep-corner pocket of his bedroom, showcasing the bottom half of Peekingboo's body-tall, angular, in racing-stripe patterned basketball shorts. Here he is taking on the pixiedust indie platformer Celeste.